The Invisible Substance Information You Should Know About Radon Gas Testing

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The Invisible Substance Information You Should Know About Radon Gas Testing


There are approximately 128.45 million homeowners within the United States. These millions of individuals acquire an important and big responsibility once they obtain a home. Yes, while it is a safe space and an opportunity for homeowners to create their own life, they have many actions they must complete before their home is truly proper. These actions include, ensuring that their home is clean and that all materials operate in the home as they should be.

If you’re a homeowner, you may be thinking, I do all of that! So, that means I have a safe home, right? This isn’t necessarily true, because many homeowners forget about one substance that can be lurking in the home. Some homeowners do not even know about the existence of this substance.

In order for your home to actually be proper and safe, there are certain substances that you should make sure aren’t in your house. If you’ve cleaned your home, if everything works properly in your house, here is information you should know about radon gas testing.

What Is Radon?

The one substance you need to be aware of as a homeowner is radon gas. By definition, radon gas is a natural and radioactive gas. In order for radon gas to produce itself, uranium, thorium, and radon combine and break down. Most of the time, radon gas will break down into the earth, soil, rocks, and around the foundation of a home. If you have any cracks in your home’s foundation, any gaps, any spaces, or any holes, radon gas can certainly travel inside of your home.

When radon gas travels inside of the home, it can potentially cause many dangers. Since radon gas is colorless, odorless, and invisible, homeowners do not know that the gas is even present in the home. In addition, this gas is not homeless. In fact, it is reported that radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Radon gas can also cause breathing problems, among other health problems.

This is why it is so important for homeowners, including yourself, to consider employing radon mitigation services. These individuals know testing for radon and the entire process!

Radon Gas Testing

In terms of radon gas testing, there are two forms of testing. The first form of radon gas testing is a shorter form of testing. To be more specific, the shorter form of testing is a kit that sits in an area of your home for 48 hours. After 48 hours are completed, professionals return to your home and check the results. Once the radon gas testing is truly completed, you’ll know if you need to rid your home of radon or if the levels are safe.

The second form of testing is a longer form of radon testing. This testing takes about 90 days to complete. If you are concerned with the safety of your home, and have any restrictions with time, the shorter radon gas testing may be more ideal for you. If you aren’t really concerned, but would like more in depth testing, the longer form of radon gas testing is ideal for you.

It is important to note that there are radon gas testing kits you can purchase at your local hardware store. This is if you want to do testing yourself. However, this isn’t necessary recommended. If you attempt radon gas testing on your own, there is more room for error and you may not receive accurate results. With professionals, they know exactly how to perform radon gas testing within your home.

Radon Gas Testing: The Benefits Of A Professional

When you employ professionals to perform radon gas testing, you’ll receive a handful of benefits.

Knowledge And Experience: As previously mentioned, professionals know to perform these specific tests. They have the knowledge and experience. Therefore, you will receive accurate results with no chance of error.

A Safe Home: These professionals know how to make your home safe if the radon levels in your home are too high. They understand and know the process. So, you won’t get sick, and your family and friends won’t get sick from any exposure.

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