Understanding the Septic Pumping Process
When you own a home, it’s vital that you take the time to have essential maintenance tasks performed to ensure the functionality of your essential home systems. This is especially true for your septic tank because when it fails it can significantly impact your home life. Understanding the septic pumping process can help homeowners learn about the value this service provides.
The first thing your local septic company will do is locate your tanks and dig to expose their access lids. This allows them to access your tank and begin the pumping process. If you’re aware of where the lids are located, digging them up yourself can help you save some money during the process.
From here, the septic professional will use a mixing rod. This helps to recombine the solids and the liquids that are separated in your tank, which makes it easier to clean them out. While mixing, they will check on the state of your tank. Concrete tanks can deteriorate over time, so it’s imperative that you choose a septic service that can inspect the tank. Eventually, the tank may need to be replaced outright when it has deteriorated too much.
For more information on the septic pumping process, please review the attached video.